The End of Kindle Vella

Image by Guilherme Gomes from Pixabay

In October, Amazon announced they were shutting down Kindle Vella. The serialized story platform launched in July of 2021, offering an exciting new way for authors to self-publish their work—one episode at a time.

Unfortunately, the idea never really took off. There have been numerous articles theorizing why, so I won’t do that here. Instead, I want to pay tribute to the platform that inspired me to take the plunge and begin self-publishing. I want to talk about the rewards of taking risks, and how Kindle Vella changed everything for me.

When Amazon announced their plans for Vella in April of 2021, I was the author of one traditionally published novel and several more that didn’t seem to fit anywhere—mostly, they weren’t long enough. Amazon’s new site was built for short fiction though—it was even in the name (Vella is short for novella). 

After reading the details, I thought, This is perfect! I’d been considering self-publishing my cozy mystery series for some time, but the costs and complications of book formatting and book covers stopped me. Kindle Vella solved these problems. I could simply cut and paste chapters into the text editor; they automatically formatted. For the cover I just needed one good photo; Vella did the rest. 

I decided to try it out, preloading the first Sweet Dreams book in anticipation for the July launch. When Vella went live that summer, I was shocked to see Murder by Milkshake promoted on the front page—one of twenty-five Featured Stories chosen among thousands. It was a thrill being a part of that early excitement, and I won’t lie, I made some pretty good money.

Emboldened by Murder by Milkshake’success, I uploaded my gothic suspense novel, The House on Linden Way, as well. But it didn’t take long to realize I wanted more than the online platform could offer. I wanted to hold my books in my hands and page through them and display them on bookshelves. Eventually I pulled my stories from Vella and published them on KDP instead.

Although I didn’t stick with Vella, I’m grateful to the platform that pushed me out of my comfort zone and into the realm of self-publishing. The serialized format was a lot of fun to work with, and I made enough money to purchase my own formatting software and commission my first book covers. Looking back, I’m so glad I didn’t hesitate when the chance came along to try something new. Even if it didn’t last.

So long, Kindle Vella.

A Great Start to 2025!

The Pralines & Creamed reviews tour wrapped up earlier this month, kicking off another year of Sweet Dreams! I am so grateful to everyone who’s read and reviewed the first two books of my cozy mystery series. Check out some of the reviews below, and then head over to Women on Writing to enter the giveaway for a print copy of Pralines and Creamed.

Good luck!

Linda says: 

A lovely young adult read. Elizabeth seems to be able to conjure up a scene in words so perfectly—from the ice cream parlour menu to the book signing atmosphere—I was salivating at the sweet dreams dessert descriptions! This story is a lovely mixture of sweet boy/girl romance, a mystery, some detective work—and a definite lesson in that things are not always as they seem. An easy reading story with enough gumption and twists to hold your attention throughout.

Elizabeth says: 

I really enjoyed this mystery! It was a great read on a chilly winter day. The descriptions of the different foods had me craving an ice cream sundae, and the quick thinking and fun personality of Genevieve kept me interested throughout the entire book! It was a great sequel to the first, Murder by Milkshake, but if you didn’t read the first book you can still enjoy this one without missing any information. I really loved the way the mystery was solved, and of course Butterscotch helped save the day! If you’re looking for a feel good mystery, this is the book for you! I can’t wait to read more from Naranjo!

5 stars (

Lily says:

I was so excited to return to Pinewood with Genevieve and friends, and Naranjo didn’t disappoint. It might be getting chilly here, but this cozy mystery will have you intrigued and craving ice cream all at once. Pinewood just feels like the ideal small town, until you get a little closer and see the tension running along beneath the surface. This time it’s a mystery right out of a book (literally), but that doesn’t make it any less intriguing. I got so wrapped up in trying to solve the mystery alongside Genevieve and Brandon that I lost track of time more than once. I loved getting to know both of them a little better, and seeing them work together to try and clear Brandon’s dad’s name was heartwarming. I can’t wait to see what new mystery will pop up in Pinewood next, and I must admit I’m a little disappointed I can’t visit Pinewood or any of the shops irl! A final note – although this works fine as a stand-alone, I highly recommend reading book one too, as it’s just as sweet and mysterious as this installment.

5 stars (

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway! 

Sweet Dreams for 2024

Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay

Setting goals for the new year is always a challenge because there’s so much I want to do. As the years pass, the projects accumulate, to the point where I now have too many to choose from (admittedly a good problem to have). 

I thought long and hard over Winter Break about which project I should focus on in 2024. There’s my micro memoir, a collection of 100-word pieces meant to distill the stories of my life, mostly for my children. There are two novellas and a middle grade book completely drafted and waiting for edits. There’s a middle grade fairy tale and a young adult magical realism, both with beginnings but no end. 

I want to work on all of them. I want to write new essays. I want to write new short stories. I want more time in which to do it all.

But something I’ve learned over the years is this: simple is better and commitment is everything. I can accomplish much more when I try to do less and commit 100% to my choices. 

With that in mind, my writing goal for 2024 is pretty simple: I’m going to self-publish my cozy mystery series. 

Sweet Dreams is a project I dreamed up in 2019 after realizing there were no cozy mysteries for young adults. I planned out several books and wrote two in a six-month period; the following year I self-published the first one on Kindle Vella during their launch. I had a lot of success on that platform but ultimately decided to publish the books as actual books. Now that I’m nearly done drafting the third one, 2024 seems like a good time to release all three.

The first book will be released in summer, the second in fall, and the third in December, just in time for a Christmas bundle. That’s the plan anyway. And why shouldn’t it work? It’s simple enough, and I’m committed to seeing it through.

As for last year’s goals, here they are again, along with the results!

1) Self-publishing my short story collection, What Was Never There

What Was Never There was released on December 21.

2) Publishing at least one piece in a literary magazine

My short fiction “Windows” was published in Best Microfiction 2023 in July; another piece, “Wrapping Paper,” was published in 5 Minute Lit in August (and featured at the Salem Lit Fest in September!).

3) Reading 30 books

Here are the 31 books I read in 2023.

Happy 2024, everyone!!