This Saturday is the perfect day for hanging out at a book festival. Okay, ANY day is perfect for hanging out at a book festival, but I’ll be signing books at this one and I’d really love to see you. Here are the details; click the link for more … [Continue reading]
The Essentials of Storytelling
My son hates to write. By write, I mean the physical act of taking pencil to paper and shaping the letters that form words that form paragraphs. He’ll get there; it’s simply that his hand can’t keep up with his mind, which is whirling with stories, … [Continue reading]
My Most Important Resolution
Last New Year’s Day, determined not to set myself up for failure, I chose only one resolution. It worked; I’m happy to say I kept my promise to read 52 books in 2014. I started the year with Neil Gaiman’s The Ocean at the End of the Lane and ended … [Continue reading]
When Our Characters Feel Real
My friend and I met at the library on Saturday, in theory to exchange pages and give thoughtful critiques on each others’ writing. That didn’t happen. What we ended up doing was talking a lot about our current writing projects. She … [Continue reading]
It Only Takes One “Yes”
Image from Flickr by jepoirrier Friday was the anniversary of a pretty special occasion for me. On that day, three years ago, I received my first acceptance letter, for a short story called “Eleven Seconds.” I will never forget the moment I … [Continue reading]
What NaNoWriMo Says About Writers
On Saturday I forgot to take my phone to work. With this realization came a flash of near-panic—it was too late to go back, and I couldn't fathom an entire nine hours without checking my email or accessing social media accounts. I knew without a … [Continue reading]
Book Sales and Royalty Statements
“So, how are sales going?” I get this question a lot, along with the more direct “How many books have you sold?” I wish I could tell you. Unfortunately, published authors can’t track their sales in real time. The only indication I have of how … [Continue reading]
Do You See What I See?
When a writer publishes fiction, she understands that her work will be interpreted differently by different people. In his book On Writing Stephen King says, “Description begins in the writer's imagination, but should finish in the reader's.” You … [Continue reading]
Are Blog Tours Worth It?
This summer I embarked on a national month-long book tour, meeting readers from Missouri, Wisconsin, California, Pennsylvania, and several other places. Of course, it was a virtual book tour--or blog tour--so I saved a lot on gas. Still, blog … [Continue reading]
Giveaway! Enter to Win Feather Earrings
Frankie's handcrafted feather earrings from The Fourth Wall have become quite popular! Of course, it was my husband who made them, and I have ONE pair left to give away. To enter the giveaway, just pop your email address into the subscription box … [Continue reading]
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