Sharing a Little Love for Lit Mags

Photo by Carolyn V on Unsplash

Not long ago, I pulled up my ever-changing Word document titled “potential markets to submit work.” Scanning the list, I was surprised and saddened at how many literary magazines were no longer options.

The recent shuttering of some, like Glimmer Train and Tin House, came as a shock. Others, like YA Review Net, seemed to slowly fade until finally, quietly, saying goodbye. Yet another, Full Grown People, has been on hiatus since last June, and my fingers are still crossed that their absence remains temporary.

I had the honor of being published in both Full Grown People and YARN, and I long dreamed of seeing my name in print in Glimmer Train and Tin House. Yet beyond submitting to these publications, I faithfully read them throughout the years, and their loss affects me more as a reader than as a writer. This is important—far too many writers read only for market research.

We need to do more to support our literary magazines. While it’s true that not all of them close due to lack of finances or readership, the majority probably do. I contribute to the tip jar of my favorite lit mags when I can, commit to paid subscriptions for others, and occasionally pay entry fees for contests, but for those who can’t afford to offer monetary support, simply reading and sharing does wonders.

On that note, here are a few favorites I’d like to share with you.

The gold standard for flash creative essays, Brevity has been publishing bite-sized literary perfection for over twenty years. Start with this gorgeous lyric essay called Variations on a Home Depot Paint Sample, and then keep going.

Hunger Mountain
This student-run journal from Vermont College of Fine Arts consistently publishes stellar work. They also enthusiastically cheer on past writers through social media, making those of us lucky to have published in Hunger Mountain feel part of a true writing community. For a sampling of their nonfiction, try this short essay by River Holmes-Miller: What Is There, What Is Missing.

Literary Mama
Known for their beautifully written essays and stories on motherhood, Literary Mama navigates the joys and sorrows of parenting with thoughtfulness and grace. Here’s a stunner called The Four Seasons of Longing, easily one of my favorite essays on motherhood, ever.

Mothers Always Write
The poetry and essays at this lovely online magazine reflect, with quiet dignity, the challenges and celebrations of raising children. Free from political controversies and pointless vulgarity, each issue of Mothers Always Write is pure treasure. The following essay brought me to tears with its surprise ending: Wow.

Superstition Review
Arizona State University’s online literary magazine is another solid publication that works hard to support its past contributors and foster an online community. The quality of their fiction, essays, and artwork means its always a treat when a new issue is released. I particularly loved this short fiction from last fall: This Family.

It’s hard to believe that three years have passed since Randi Olin and Lauren Apfel, both formerly of Brain, Child, launched their online parenting publication. Motherwell’s objective is to tell “all sides of the parenting story”; here is a beauty told from the point of view of an adult daughter: Helping my mother clean out her closet, the year before she died.

Women on Writing
I owe so much to the supportive and generous group of women who run this site. Their daily blog posts always strive for positivity and encouragement, and their quarterly flash fiction contests keep me inspired to submit shorter work. Here is an example of one of their featured articles on revising and resubmitting.

Poets & Writers
A yearly subscription to Poets & Writers costs less than $2 per month, and there’s nothing quite like getting the latest issue delivered to your actual mailbox (not the digital one). When it arrives, you can kick off your shoes, settle in with a cup of tea or a glass of wine, and read amazing articles like this one: Some Room to Breathe: In Praise of Quiet Books.

Losing Tin House should be a wake-up call for many. There are probably very few people who truly don’t have the time to read an occasional short story or essay. If you’re a lover of literature, pick a publication that means something to you and do what you can to support it, while you can. You can even start now by sharing it here with me. Every reader counts.

Brighter Days Ahead

Image by Himanshu Singh Gurjar on Unsplash

This year got off to a shaky start for me. Two weeks in, I was informed that my job was being cut due to budget concerns. Since I had the option to return to my former position, I wasn’t technically laid off. Still, I was shocked at how much it hurts to feel you’re doing something of value only to have your job deemed unnecessary.

I spent a few days in a stupor of denial, resentment, and general gloominess. And then I pulled myself together, dusted off my resume, and got to work.

Now, ten weeks later, I’ve begun training at my new job and finally feel like I can put this behind me. Like many seemingly negative upheavals to one’s life, looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing. My new job closely matches my old one in terms of pay and hours, yet it comes with more benefits, like affordable health care premiums, tuition reimbursement, and a 401(k) plan.

Also, starting a new job is always kind of fun.

Writing wise, I won runner-up in a Women on Writing contest in late January, which means my story was published! It’s a YA flash fiction piece about a girl wrestling with guilt over having the perfect life yet still feeling sad. You can read “Gratitude” here.

I’m especially excited to have “Gratitude” published because I realized at the end of last year that I’ve been on a publishing streak since 2012. The above story means my streak will not be broken, at least not this year!

Something else I’m excited about is that my current WIP, The House on Linden Way, is now officially on submission. I wrote a query for it earlier this month and sent the first chapters to my dream agent, who requested a full. Here’s the query:

While passing through her hometown a decade after she left, Amber Blake impulsively revisits her old house on Linden Way. She only means to stay a moment, to show her 3-year-old daughter Bee the place where she grew up. But when the kindly new owners invite them inside, Amber cannot resist.

Soon Bee is missing, the owners have disappeared, and Amber finds herself in a house full of ghosts. Time takes on new meaning as she loses herself in living memories and a past that does not wish to be forgotten.

As Amber fights the powerful lure of a childhood she’d long left behind, her tenuous hold on the real world slips further from her grasp. Is it merely nostalgia she’s battling, or something far more menacing? Who haunts the house on Linden Way, and where are they hiding her child?

Well, does that sound like something you’d want to read? If so, keep your fingers crossed. I have a good feeling about this one, and things can only get better.

2018 End of Year Book Survey

Photo by César Viteri on Unsplash

Once again, thanks to Jamie over at the Perpetual Page Turner for hosting another end-of-year book survey! Go check out her terrific blog—it’s where I get many of my book recommendations throughout the year.

In 2018 I read more books than I ever have and discovered many new authors along the way. I also re-read over a dozen favorites, but figured I’d stick with only new reads for filling in my answers below.

2018 Reading Stats

Number Of Books You Read: 72
Number of Re-Reads: 14
Genre You Read The Most From: Thrillers/Mysteries

Best in Books

1. Best Book You Read In 2018?

Adult: The Broken Girls by Simone St. James

I found The Broken Girls on one of those fall lists of ‘Gothic books to get you in the spirit of Halloween’ or something like that. It’s fantastic—skillfully written and super creepy. Picture an old abandoned boarding school in rural Vermont, toss in an unsolved murder from half a century ago, and follow along as a whip-smart journalist slowly uncovers the secrets of Idlewild Hall. This chilling, atmospheric thriller had me on the edge of my seat, and so scared that at times I was literally jumping at shadows.

YA: Sadie by Courtney Summers

What a perfectly executed, brutal, beautiful book—I cannot recommend it enough. The plot involves an 18-year-old girl (Sadie) searching for her little sister’s killer. We get Sadie’s story in past tense (from the year before) alternating with a present tense podcast of the radio personality who’s investigating her disappearance. So Sadie’s story unfolds in two ways, and it’s just so brilliantly done. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this one.

MG: The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani

A powerful book told in diary entries from 12-year-old Nisha to the mother she never knew. Nisha lives in India in 1947, but when India gains independence and is separated into two countries, her family finds themselves in the wrong one. Nisha’s father is Hindu, which means they can no longer live in what has overnight become Pakistan. Her family is forced to flee and embark on a harrowing journey to new India before they are slaughtered for simply being the wrong religion. A middle grade novel that can tackle genocide is pretty impressive.

2. Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn’t?

Lethal White by Robert Galbraith

I’m sure it’s not an easy job being J.K. Rowling’s editor, but I wish someone would rein her in a bit. This fourth book in the Cormoran Strike series was seriously bloated. The plot was so convoluted and unnecessarily confusing I honestly can’t remember much about it. Also, the series is leaning more toward romance at this point, which is disappointing.

3. Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read? 

The Witch Elm by Tana French

In a good way. I thought I knew who did it, and then I didn’t, and then I did, and then … let’s just say The Witch Elm keeps you guessing. This book is a slow burn and spends a significant amount of time on character development. I personally loved that aspect, but just know that the discovery that spurs the criminal investigation/police procedural portion of the book doesn’t even occur until a third of the way in.

4. Book You “Pushed” The Most People To Read (And They Did)?


I’ve been telling everyone about Sadie, not only because it’s incredible but because I appreciate the fact that the author worked hard to make it perfect. There is no sentence wasted, no awkward phrase to be found, no tangled subplots, no cardboard characters, no filler. That takes a lot of effort, and I’m thrilled for Courtney Summers because her dedication paid off. Sadie is her sixth novel and the first to hit the New York Times Best Seller list. Not to mention it made pretty much every other best of list for 2018. You should definitely read it.

5. Best series you started in 2018? Best Sequel of 2018? Best Series Ender of 2018?

The Shades of Magic series for all three.

I’ve heard so many great things about V.E. Schwab but until 2018 I’d never read one of her books. It takes a certain kind of mood for me to pick up a high fantasy, and the mood doesn’t strike often. One day when I was browsing through titles on Overdrive I came across an audiobook version of A Darker Shade of Magic, and the timing felt right. Within a month I’d listened to the entire series, and while the second and third volumes are not as strong as the first, I can now see what all the hype is about when it comes to this wonderfully imaginative and prolific author.

6. Favorite new author you discovered in 2018?

Simone St. James

I loved The Broken Girls so much I promptly read another of Simone St. James’ novels, Lost Among the Living. Loved that one too, so I read another, The Haunting of Maddy Clare. This year, I plan to keep tearing through her backlist because not one of her books has let me down. Hands down my favorite author of 2018.

7. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone?

What Alice Forgot

Pure chick-lit, and I loved it.

8. Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year?


Completely unputdownable.

9. Book You Read In 2018 That You Would Be MOST Likely To Re-Read Next Year?


I read Sadie on an ereader but have heard that the audiobook is a whole other experience.

10. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2018?

Snow & Rose

You probably know by now how much I adore middle grade covers.

11. Most memorable character of 2018?

Living: Alucard Emery

The charismatic and mysterious pirate captain of the Night Spire was my favorite character in V.E. Schwab’s Shades of Magic series.

Dead: Mary Hand

It was hard to choose between the terrifying ghosts that Simone St. James so deftly creates in her Gothic thrillers, but Mary Hand wins top honors (I hope Maddy Clare doesn’t come after me now).

12. Most beautifully written book read in 2018?

Adult: The Weight of Him

An incredibly sad but unmistakably beautiful portrait of grief and healing. Told from the point of view of a father who lost his teenage son to suicide.

YA: The Astonishing Color of After

Really it’s a tie between this gorgeous debut from Emily X.R. Pan and Joanna Ruth Meyer’s Echo North, but I chose the latter for other categories, so fair’s fair. The Astonishing Color of After is lyrical and lovely and will make you want to visit Taiwan.

MG: Snow & Rose

A gentle and dreamy fairy-tale retelling of Snow White and Rose-Red, exquisitely illustrated.

13. Most Thought-Provoking/ Life-Changing Book of 2018?

Becoming by Michelle Obama

What I loved best about the former First Lady’s memoir was learning about her childhood growing up on the South Side of Chicago with her memorable and close-knit family. Mrs. Obama narrates the audio version and it was a joy to listen to her tell her story with elegance, compassion, humor, and warmth.

14. Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2018 to finally read?

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

“Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.”

Why did I wait so long to dive into Daphne du Maurier’s haunting masterpiece? No idea, but it’s fitting that I read it in 2018, which seemed to be my year for Gothic ghost stories.

15. Favorite Passage/Quote From A Book You Read In 2018?

When you’ve lived in a cage, you can’t bear not to run, even if what you’re running toward is an illusion. —Nicodemus from Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

16. Shortest & Longest Book You Read In 2018?

Shortest: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume

I just had to revisit one of Ms. Blume’s delightful middle grade books, and this did not disappoint. What a treasure she is. Somehow I’d completely forgotten about the turtle!

Longest: The Stand by Stephen King

I love this book so much I bet I’ve read it a dozen times. That’s 13,000 pages, which leads me to wonder how many hours of my life I’ve spent with Stu and Frannie and Larry and Harold and …  ah well. Worth it every time.

17. Book That Shocked You The Most

Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls

If you, like me, somehow missed reading this beloved classic as a child, be warned: there is a gruesome and horrifying scene involving a double-bladed hatchet that will haunt you forever. Oh, and I should also warn you about the graphic disembowelment. Different scene.

18. OTP OF THE YEAR (you will go down with this ship!)

Michelle and Barack, of course!

19. Favorite Non-Romantic Relationship Of The Year

Jonathan Franzen and Uncle Walt

Unpopular opinion: I adore Jonathan Franzen. Why he remains such a pilloried figure on social media is baffling to me, but whatever. In Franzen’s essay “The End of the End of the Earth” (in his collection by the same name) he writes with characteristic intelligence and wit about a trip to Antarctica, which includes a lot of breathtaking scenery and one very charming Emperor Penguin. Franzen also writes here about the loss of his father, his mother, and his subsequent relationship with Uncle Walt. I was so touched by their father-son bond that it brought me to tears. How can you not love this guy?

20. Favorite Book You Read in 2018 From An Author You’ve Read Previously

Waltzing the Cat by Pam Houston

Pam Houston’s short stories, which are pretty much essays in disguise, are always action-packed adventures with plenty of adrenaline, witty dialogue, and hilariously awful men.

21. Best Book You Read In 2018 That You Read Based SOLELY On A Recommendation From Somebody Else/Peer Pressure/Bookstagram, Etc.:

Where the Red Fern Grows

Recommended to me by my son Gabriel. His teacher read the book aloud to her fifth-grade class and, according to Gabe, there was not a dry eye in the classroom when the last chapters were read. The book had a profound affect on him, which made me love it even before he persuaded me to get a copy and read it too. I’m actually glad I didn’t read this one until now; I’ve shared so many of my own childhood favorites with my kids, and this time I got to be on the receiving end.

22. Newest fictional crush from a book you read in 2018?

Jamie, the rough-around-the-edges love interest and cop from The Broken Girls. I don’t usually go for blondes, but the guy’s got something.

23. Best 2018 debut you read?

History of Wolves by Emily Fridlund

The subplot involving the teacher, the current-day story that’s weaved in, and the title itself are all perplexing choices, but the main story and the prose are so accomplished it’s easy to overlook the book’s flaws. I can’t wait to read this author’s next novel.

24. Best Worldbuilding/Most Vivid Setting You Read This Year?

Echo North by Joanna Ruth Meyer

Which coincidentally published TODAY! I had the privilege of reading an ARC of this absolutely gorgeous fairy tale in October. If you’re looking for something woodsy and wintry, with a house made of magic and living libraries, do check this one out.

25. Book That Put A Smile On Your Face/Was The Most FUN To Read?

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

26. Book That Made You Cry Or Nearly Cry in 2018?

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughter by Hazel Gaynor

There is a scene early on in this sweeping historical novel that is so devastating, I nearly stopped reading. It’s not because it wasn’t fair, it was just wholly unexpected and took my breath away. I recovered obviously, and finished the story, but it came closest to making me weep out of any other book in 2018.

27. Hidden Gem Of The Year?

The Bookshop of Yesterdays by Amy Meyerson

You’ll have the “mystery” solved about 15% in, but that won’t take away from the sheer pleasure of reading The Bookshop of Yesterdays. Why, you ask? Well, it has a bookshop for one thing. Also a literary scavenger hunt, the why of the mystery if not the who, and a great big ol’ heart. Oh, and this cover:

28. Book That Crushed Your Soul?

History of Wolves

It’s not a spoiler to tell you that the kid dies. The narrator reveals this literally on page four. But the relationship between the narrator and the child, and the reason for his death, are definitely soul-crushing.

29. Most Unique Book You Read In 2018?


Courtney Summers brilliantly incorporated a podcast for her critically acclaimed sixth novel, and *SPOILER ALERT* it works.

30. Book That Made You The Most Mad (doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t like it)?

The Friend by Sigrid Nunez

You may have heard of this book recently—it won the National Book Award for fiction in November. You may have heard it’s a book about a writer living in New York whose friend commits suicide and leaves her his dog—a massive Great Dane who is as depressed as the narrator over the friend’s death. What you probably didn’t hear is that there’s a twist at the end which casts doubt over everything that came before. At first I interpreted this one way and didn’t at all mind, but after reading other reviews it seems I may have interpreted wrong. And if that’s the case, yes, the twist makes me Most Mad.

Blogging/Bookish Life

I’m only posting a few of these here, since I’m not much of a book blogger. The following questions did apply though, so …

Best bookish event that you participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events,  etc.)?

Fellow Phoenician Joanna Ruth Meyer, who I connected with several years ago on Twitter, launched her debut novel at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe in January 2018. I was so happy to see her celebrate her first book’s publication, especially since I knew her before she’d even landed an agent and know what a long road it’s been.

Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of this year?

Yes! I completed my reading goal of 52 books and surpassed it by 20 (15 of them audiobooks). I also completed my goal to re-read the Harry Potter series, something I’ve wanted to do for years. I have a whole other blog post to write about that experience.

Looking Ahead

1. One Book You Didn’t Get To In 2018 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2019?

There are five—the Song of Ice and Fire series, which I’ve been meaning to get to for several years. No, I have not seen Game of Thrones. For Christmas I asked for and received a beautiful leather-bound set, and I’ve been eyeing it wearily atop my bookshelf in the weeks since. It’s intimidating, but I am resolved.

2. Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2019 (non-debut)?

Mouthful of Birds by Samanta Schweblin

Perhaps you missed me singing the praises of Schweblin’s astonishing novel Fever Dream last year? It was hands down my favorite book of 2017, and I was thrilled to see a book of short stories forthcoming from the Argentine author this month. By the time this blog post is published I will probably already have swallowed it whole.

3. 2019 Debut You Are Most Anticipating?

The Winter Sister by Megan Collins

I’m really, really, REALLY into mysteries lately, and mysteries with DARK FAMILY SECRETS are even better. This one sounds promising.

4. Series Ending/A Sequel You Are Most Anticipating in 2019?

Not that I can think of.

5. One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging Life In 2019?

Read 52 books. Same goal every year.

6. A 2019 Release You’ve Already Read & Recommend To Everyone (if applicable):

Echo North

Did I mention this is OUT TODAY?! Go grab a copy, and if you’re in my area, I’ll see you on Thursday at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe. Joanna isn’t just a lovely writer, she is a lovely person too, and I’m so excited to cheer her on as she celebrates the launch of this utterly enchanting fairy tale.

One Resolution, Many High Hopes

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Since 2014 I’ve avoided declaring writing resolutions and tried keeping things simple with one easy goal—reading one book per week for a total of 52 per year.

This year I far exceeded that goal, partly because I embraced a new-found love of audiobooks. I’ll share my bookish end-of-year recap with you in a few weeks, but for now here’s a list of the writing I published in 2018:

Short Stories

From Autumn to June
A young girl struggles with feelings of loss over an aborted sibling.

I’ve lived all my life without knowing you. Fourteen years. I’ll still never know you, but at least now I know of you. You existed once, and nobody gave you a name, and I’m sorry about that.

The Lost Girls
A six-year-old boy experiences a truly haunted Halloween while trick-or-treating with his sister.

He’d never been to the ocean and didn’t know what the waves sounded like when they broke against the shore, but Timothy knew they didn’t sound like the voices of girls.


A Different Point of View
In this post for Women on Writing, I reveal a trick to getting to know your characters better.

Start at the Beginning—Using Titles as Prompts
In this post for Superstition Review, I discuss writer’s block and how to beat it.


Although it didn’t get published, I was thrilled when my essay Pure Imagination won honorable mention in Women on Writing’s essay contest in March.

I may not have writing resolutions for 2019, but I have lots of hopes. I hope to find an agent or publisher for one (or all!) of my three unpublished books. I hope to write something completely different, non-literary, and fun (maybe a cozy mystery?). Above all, I hope to keep scribbling away—preserving memories, creating worlds, and wondering at the magic of it all.

Happy New Year!

Celebrating Halloween with a New Story

This Halloween I’m celebrating for several reasons. One is simply the fact that, to me, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. When wreaths of snarled twigs and black roses show up in the stores alongside pumpkins, sugar skulls, and shelves full of candy, it signals the end of summer. And for us desert dwellers, that is a blessed relief.

Another reason to celebrate is that today I’m editing the final chapter of my book The House on Linden Way. I wrote about this work-in-progress last September, but back then I called it my maybe-novel. That’s because I often start a story with the intention of writing a book, but instead end up writing a long short story. I was thrilled when this one chose to stay with me a little longer. Now my once maybe-novel is a full-length manuscript—revised, polished, and on its way tomorrow to my beta readers.

Finally, I’m excited to announce that my short story “The Lost Girls” was published today in YA Review Net (YARN). This story was formerly known as “The Shell of Light” and won runner-up in YARN’s 2017 Halloween Fiction Contest. It’s a favorite of mine for the same reason Halloween is my favorite holiday: I love the moody imagery and Gothic gloom of October stories. I keep my Halloween screen saver on all year long, and I’m a sucker for literature and films depicting crumbling castles, misty graveyards, dark forests, decaying mansions, ghosts and goblins or, in this case, a night out trick-or-treating gone horribly wrong.

I wrote “The Lost Girls” to a prompt given to me by my then seven-year-old son, so this one’s for him, although it’ll be a few more years before he’s allowed to read it. You don’t have to wait though. Click here to read “The Lost Girls,” and Happy Halloween!

The Story Behind You

Sometime in May I was browsing for journals at my indie bookstore (in recent years I’ve learned to overcome my reluctance of writing in journals) and discovered a gem called 50 Things About My Mother.

I purchased two copies, smiling as I imagined how my children, ages 11 and 16, would answer prompts like “My favorite childhood memory of us together” and “The best gift you ever gave me.” These time-stamped treasures were all I wanted for Mother’s Day.

Their responses were as illuminating, sweet, and funny as they are. Gabriel’s answer to “My favorite fun fact about you” was “you are not like most mothers” (“In a good way, right?” I asked in amusement, to which he hastily agreed). Abigail’s responses to “Things I know you can’t live without” included breakfast, Barnes & Noble, and us. (She’s right).

And then, toward the end of Gabe’s book, I read aloud his answer to “Things I’ve learned from you along the way.” Momentarily speechless, I glanced at my daughter, who looked back with matching surprise. Here is what he wrote:

“Wow, Gabe,” I said. “That’s beautiful.”

“It’s poetic,” Abbey agreed.

And it’s true. You have a story behind you, something I’ve taught my kids—who both like to write—but have never worded quite so eloquently.

You have a story behind you, and that doesn’t mean you’re bound to its narrative and can’t create something new; it simply means you have everything you need to get started. In an interview with YA Review Net, Jacqueline Woodson, who writes both fiction and memoir, states it another way: “My writing always starts from a place of memory.”

Mine too. My latest novel is about a woman who revisits her childhood home and becomes lost in her memories. It’s a ghost story, a story of a haunted house and the trappings of nostalgia. I believe in ghosts, and haunted houses, but I’ve never really encountered them; the writing is fiction. Yet it starts from memory—memories of a beloved brother, of a childhood home, of early motherhood and its suffocating fears.

It’s a collection of moments I’ve left behind. Together, they fused with my imagination and created their own story, something entirely new and exciting but rooted in memory, my memories, something only I could create.

You have those moments too—moments scattered throughout your past that burned bright enough to make a lasting impression and are waiting to be rediscovered, and maybe reimagined. You have a story behind you, one I’d love to hear. So, write.

Goodreads Giveaway Results!

Nearly 1,200 people entered the Goodreads giveaway for The Fourth Wall! I’m overwhelmed by the response—thank you to everyone who entered, and congratulations to the winners!

My publisher runs promotional giveaways several times a year on Amazon, so make sure to subscribe to my blog or follow me on Goodreads for updates on free Kindle copies.

Also, heartfelt appreciation to all of you who read my latest short story, “From Autumn to June.” Every share helps, and editors at Hunger Mountain, Superstition Review, Motherwell, Mothers Always Write, and Women on Writing all generously shared the story with their audiences, along with my book editor Amie and several other good friends. You guys are awesome.

Thanks again for helping me celebrate four years of The Fourth Wall!

Read My New Story “From Autumn to June”

This week YA Review Network published my short story “From Autumn to June.” I wrote this piece last spring and was thrilled when YARN sent an acceptance letter over the summer. Having worked with them previously on my story “We Never Get to Talk Anymore” and again on a piece that will be published in October, I knew my work was in good hands.

“From Autumn to June” was one of those rare stories that almost seemed to write itself. It’s as if it were there all along, just waiting to be discovered. When that happens it feels like magic, and it’s the best part of being a writer.

Another great thing about being a writer is getting to see the world through different points of view. This particular story explores a very sensitive subject from a perspective not often considered or given a voice. While researching, I was surprised to discover how prevalent this issue is—I found several support groups on various platforms dedicated to those struggling with it.

At first I wasn’t sure how to approach the narrative. Remembering how much I loved reading Barbara Kingsolver’s letters to her mother and daughter in Small Wonder, I thought I’d try the same. The style, called epistolary, has an eloquent way of capturing intimacy. I love how it turned out, and I hope you do too.

Read “From Autumn to June” here.

Celebrating Four Years of The Fourth Wall

Photo by Audrey Fretz on Unsplash

Today is the four-year anniversary of The Fourth Wall! I decided to mark the occasion in a few ways. One was by setting up a Goodreads giveaway, so if you’re interested in winning a print copy, click here to enter.

The other way I chose to commemorate my debut was by doing something I haven’t done since before the book was published—I read it.

I’d always wondered whether authors reread their novels after releasing them into the world. The idea seemed unbearable to me. What if it was terrible? What if there were embarrassing mistakes? That may sound insulting toward my publisher—of course they wouldn’t publish a terrible book—but anxiety is by nature irrational. The fear persisted.

And I’m happy to say it was unfounded. I loved rereading The Fourth Wall. It was like embracing an old friend or hearing a song you once loved that you haven’t heard in years. I bookmarked passages that I remember struggling with over and over and others that I barely remember writing at all. I marveled at how my editor, with her brilliant insight and suggestions, inspired some of the best scenes in the book.

Most of all, I savored the experience of reconnecting with characters and make-believe worlds that I’d found such joy in imagining. I’ll forever be grateful to WiDo Publishing for giving me the opportunity to share Marin’s story (and for doing such a beautiful job with the cover!), and I’m also grateful to all of you who’ve supported me along the way.

Look for another post from me later this week with a brand-new story I’m so excited to share with you!

Need more to read?

My friend and fellow WiDo author Beth wrote this wise and heartfelt post on what it means to be a writer.

We need more essays that make us laugh, like the brilliant “Honest Cover Letters” by Julie Parker on Full Grown People.

And in case you missed it, my daughter won first place in the high school fiction category for this year’s Tempe Community Writing Contest—read her winning entry here.

On First Publications

Photo by Lance Grandahl on Unsplash

A writer’s first publication is something special. I remember mine—a newspaper article I wrote when I was fifteen. My friend Bethany wanted to be a photographer and I had lofty aspirations to become a music journalist. Some of our friends were in a heavy metal band and had an upcoming gig, so I wrote a sprawling profile and Bethany arranged a photo shoot of the band members perched on a block wall at sunrise.

I gathered our materials in a manila envelope, waltzed into the offices of the Merced Sun-Star, and told the receptionist I would like to see the editor, please. With a straight face, she told me he was busy at the moment, but she’d be happy to take my envelope. Reluctantly I handed it over, reiterating my preference of delivering it personally, as the material was time-sensitive. The receptionist assured me it would be forwarded promptly and—who knows?–maybe they could use it for the Sunday edition. She smiled politely, and I walked away feeling dejected.

That weekend we went out of town to visit family, but when we returned I skimmed through the Sunday edition, just in case. When I saw my byline above a (ruthlessly edited) version of my article, my jaw dropped open. I ran through the house, shrieking that the NEWSPAPER published my story! The NEWSPAPER! I saw clearly my future as a celebrated music journalist, perhaps writing for Hit Parader or Metal Edge (spoiler alert: neither magazine survived the digital age, and mainstream metal did not survive the 90s). The moment is etched forever in my mind as my first real writing triumph.

Last month, my daughter had her own defining moment—also at the age of fifteen. Encouraged by her creative writing teacher, Abbey wrote a short story to submit to the 2018 Tempe Community Writing Contest. Her story “Ladybug Princess” won first place in the high school fiction category and was published in Tempe Writers Forum V.4. I was so crazy proud of her I purchased over a dozen copies, sent out an email blast, and instructed my husband and son to have roses and chocolate cake waiting when we returned home from the awards ceremony.

Abbey’s been writing seriously since middle school and has been recognized for her talent by winning honorable mention in the Young Authors of Arizona Scholastic Writing Awards in both 2015 and 2016. While those achievements were awesome and inspiring, there’s nothing like winning first place and having your story appear in print.

She had the option of reading “Ladybug Princess” at the awards ceremony and bravely chose to do so. I sat in the front row, brimming with joy at my daughter’s accomplishment and also thankful that she has this victory to power her through what can sometimes be a difficult journey.

It takes grit and tenacity to be a writer. Those of you who are writers know what I’m talking about. It means facing rejection over and over. Losing your confidence and feeling, at times, very alone. Spending hundreds of hours crafting stories you never know if anyone else will read.

But experiencing the wonder of creating worlds and characters that otherwise would never have existed? The incomparable thrill of seeing your name in print for the first time? So worth it.

Read Abbey’s award-winning story here.