Giveaway! Enter to Win Feather Earrings


Frankie’s handcrafted feather earrings from The Fourth Wall have become quite popular! Of course, it was my husband who made them, and I have ONE pair left to give away.

To enter the giveaway, just pop your email address into the subscription box for Elizabeth’s Newsletter. You’ll receive a confirmation email from MailChimp; once you confirm your subscription, you’ll be entered into the drawing.

The newsletter will be published twice a month beginning mid-September. It will include writerly inspiration, insights into the publishing process, and discounts on classes and critiques. Your email address is safe with me, and you can opt-out anytime, so there’s nothing to lose. But hopefully, you’ll stick around for awhile. 🙂

The newsletter subscription box should be to your right, or directly below this post. The giveaway ends Saturday at midnight, MST, and the winner will be notified on Sunday.

Go enter, and good luck!

UPDATE on August 17:
The winner is Maria D.! Thanks for entering, everyone. 😀

The Secret to Social Media–One Year Later

Image from Flickr by mkhmarketing

Image from Flickr by mkhmarketing

This month I’m celebrating a birthday. No, not mine! What are you thinking? I turned 39 in July, and I’m not ready to turn 40 quite yet. 😉

What this month marks is one year of blogging, tweeting, pinning, and goodreading, although my computer tells me that’s not a word. In one of my earliest blog posts, The Secret to Social Media, I wrote about my initial reactions to each of the following four sites, and in this post I’ll tell you what’s changed a year later.


Then: As a writer, I’d forgotten the pure joy of expressing emotions solely through visual imagery. With Pinterest, you can create boards that reflect the things you care about, and you never have to say a word.

Now: Yep, sounds lovely, but Pinterest was the one to go. I still have an account and I’ll probably revisit it sometime, but it’s just not possible to juggle five or six social media accounts. I knew this going in, but I figured the one to fall would be…


Then: What I love most about this site, so far, is I have one place to list my “to be read” books. Now I can collect all the scraps of paper, sticky notes, and electronic lists buried in my phone and shelve those titles in Goodreads.

Now: For a long time, this was all I could do on Goodreads. The problem is that it’s not a user-friendly site. But on January first, I resolved to read a book each week for 2014. Goodreads came in handy for this resolution because of their Reading Challenge—where you publicly declare a reading goal for the new year. Anyone can view your progress. That was the motivation I needed to stay on task, so I dug my heels in and learned how to navigate the site. Now I truly love Goodreads, and I’m only three books behind my goal.


Then: This was supposed to be my favorite, because that’s what everybody says. I do like Twitter—there’s something about the immediacy of it that’s freeing—but it’s confusing.

Now: Surprise! Guess which social media site is my favorite? Twitter did take time to understand—in fact, it would be months before I caught on. But once I got comfortable jumping into conversations with total strangers, I met some amazing people. Most are generous—Twitter is all about sharing and discovering. Many are also fall-down funny; I’ve laughed myself to tears on more occasions than I can count. The only downside is that it can be a distraction.


Then: My personal favorite. This has been a shock—I worried about the time it would take to blog, I worried no one would read my blog . . . now I know it’s about perspective.

Now: I admit I’ve lost that perspective several times. There’s no question that blogging can feel frustrating because it is time-intensive and once in a while seems as though you’re talking to yourself. To ease that frustration, I made some adjustments:

  1. I no longer spend several hours on each post. Yes, I did that. Those early posts were drafted on Mondays and heavily edited throughout the week, then published on Fridays, which could take all morning.
  2. I stopped worrying excessively about typos.
  3. I started posting less frequently. In the beginning, I posted weekly, but twice a month works better for me and I actually get more visitors that way. I think you have to give people a chance to miss you. 🙂

One great thing about blogging is looking back on old posts; it was sweet to read the first one—written a few days after I received my contract. I was so unsure of what lay ahead: I didn’t know what the book title would be, or what the cover would look like, or when it would get published. All I knew back then was a dream had come true, and that was enough.

Oh, and the secret to social media? It hasn’t changed: give yourself permission to have fun.

(See the original post HERE.)

Oh, What a Night

Changing Hands Bookstore did a lovely job hosting the launch party for The Fourth Wall, and my friends and family made the event a HUGE success. Over fifty people showed up; there were goodies, giveaways, and some surprise guests whose appearance threatened to ruin my mascara…but I managed to keep my game face on. 😉

Read on for details, and enjoy the pictures!


photo 1

My host, Brandi, was setting up when my daughter and I arrived with the cupcakes and lemonade. Brandi had a nice display table (shown above) with copies of the book and a beautiful arrangement of flowers. The flowers, I would learn later, were a gift from my childhood bestie, Megan Russo, who lives in Kansas. For those of you who have read The Fourth Wall, you may recognize her name…

photo 3

The cupcakes, made by Confection Insanity, turned out perfect. There were four dozen, each topped with a book made of marshmallow fondant. My friend, Shawna, brought donuts and coffee, and her daughter made those pretty little cherry-topped cheesecakes.

me at display

Before all the guests arrived, I stole away to the front-of-store display with Abbey. On our way back, we weaved through the aisles and checked out some groovy handbags. And that’s when I spotted some familiar faces passing by in the main aisle. I grabbed Abbey’s arm and said, “Oh my God. Your papa’s here.”

My father, who lives in central California, had texted me about half an hour earlier, wishing me luck at the launch. He and my step-mother, Oma, gave no indication they were coming, and it never crossed my mind that they would–it’s a twelve-hour drive. I stood there stunned, and then noticed they had with them a very tall, very blonde young girl.

surprise guests

That’s my niece, Makayla; I haven’t seen her since she was thirteen. Makayla is now seventeen, but she hasn’t changed much. She’s still sweet and wonderfully silly, and she still LOVES to read. She’s followed my progress on The Fourth Wall since I started writing it, and always cheered me on.

When it was time to step up to the podium, I was a little nervous. But once I started talking, the feeling disappeared. I talked for a bit about what inspired The Fourth Wall, and then I read a few passages from the novel.

mea t podium

photo 4

After the reading, I just wanted to mingle and thank everyone individually. But my host was urging me toward the signing table where people were lining up, and I didn’t want to keep them waiting. So I asked my dear friend Amy to bring me some goodies and I dashed off to the table where I would stay for the rest of the event. See the nice plate of sweets Amy brought me?

signing books 1

Why, yes, I am going to eat these cupcakes. Yep, the cheesecake too, sorry.

signing books 2

Let’s get a closer look at the sweets.


While I was signing books, Brandi drew names from a jar–three people would be walking away with the handmade prizes my husband crafted for the giveaway. I’d asked Alex to replicate a pair of feather earrings from the book. He did, along with a pendant. The first name Brandi drew belonged to my friend Shawna’s younger daughter. She chose the pendant. I was glad the first prize went to this generous family who’d provided treats for everyone.


This is one of my best friends, Tyler. She didn’t think she could make it to the launch because of her work schedule, but when she showed up just in time I was not surprised. That’s because Tyler’s always there for me; she even became an ordained minister to officiate my wedding in 2009.


And this is Tyler’s dad, Fred. He was the lucky winner of the first pair of earrings.


But wait, will these earrings really look good on Fred? He’s quite a smashing fellow, but can he pull off this look? What do you think?


Um, maybe not. But no worries; before the night was through, Fred’s wife, Kim, had the silver feathers dangling from her ears, and they looked lovely on her.

My daughter, Abigail, had the task of taking pictures throughout the evening. I’d given her my iPhone and told her to get lots of shots. I realized later that she took nearly all of them from this vantage point, as my daughter never leaves my side for long. 😉 But she DID take plenty of shots; so many my phone died. She even took pictures of people taking pictures. That’s my girl.

pic of me getting pic

Okay, back to the giveaway. The third winner was my friend Cristin, and this made me really happy, because she had driven up from Tucson to come to the party. Cristin was all smiles when she collected her prize, and it was the perfect end to the giveaway.

This is one of my favorite pictures of the night. Those seven amazing ladies you see are all part of a workshop I take called Mothers Who Write. Each one of them has supported my writing efforts over the years, and they’ve shared their writing with me. That’s a very personal thing, and it can be a scary thing. But when we get together and share our stories, it always feels safe.


All in all the launch party was a blast. The only leftovers we had were a handful of cupcakes. We gave those to the staff at Changing Hands Bookstore, who were gracious throughout. They even hinted that I come back in January for a very special event…but I’ll keep you posted on that.

Thanks for helping me celebrate!

photo 5


Everyone’s a Critic; It’s a Good Thing

Image from Flickr by See-ming Lee

Image from Flickr by See-ming Lee

I used to be reluctant about posting reviews to Amazon and Goodreads, but I got over it because book reviews serve the entire reading community: readers, writers, bookstores, publishers, librarians–anyone who cares about books wants them discussed.

Authors need book reviews, particularly on Amazon, because the more reviews they have, the higher they rank in Amazon’s search engine. In other words, the book becomes more visible. Like a brick-and-mortar bookstore, the more “buzz” a book has the more likely it is to be shelved in a prominent place where people actually see it.

So why was I once resistant to posting reviews? Several reasons.

PRIVACY: Not that long ago, I was an unpublished writer. Although I wanted my name out there as a byline, I didn’t like the idea of it being public in any other way. The only social media site I really used was Facebook, because I thought, back then, I could guard my privacy on it. Go ahead. Laugh.

Then, at a writer’s conference, a social media expert asked us if we’d ever Googled ourselves. It had never occurred to me, but I do remember thinking with total confidence that nothing would show up in a Google search of my name. Because I so fiercely protected my privacy and all. Later, I did the search and was shocked and utterly horrified to see, plain as day, a comment I’d made on Facebook show up. MY comment. On the INTERNET. Go ahead. Laugh.

I’ve finally gotten over commenting in public forums. In fact, I love Twitter, and I enjoy blogging. But this was unimaginable to me even a year ago.

How I got over it: By getting over myself. The world isn’t watching and waiting to pick apart my Facebook comments. It’s not going to be scrutinizing my book reviews either.

CONFUSION: The system of rating books confused me. I thought: how can I give a 5-star rating to Pride and Prejudice and also to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? I love them both, but can I place J.K. Rowling at the same level as Jane Austen?

How I got over it: I stopped over-thinking it. Really, the rating system is quite simple: Five stars means you loved it. Four stars means you really liked it. Three stars means you thought it was okay. I love Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and I love Pride and Prejudice; therefore, they both get 5-star ratings.

ETHICS: Because I’m a writer and I know a lot of authors, I worried about getting caught in this tangled web of ethics. If I read a Stephen King book and I think the plotting is slow and the characters are made of cardboard, I can give it a 3-star rating and explain why. I’m not worried about hurting Stephen King’s feelings. He’s not going to read my review.

But what about authors I know? Of course they’re going to read my reviews. What if I’m not planning on reading an author’s book but then he reads my book and gives it a glowing review and 5-star rating? What if I then read his book out of obligation but feel it’s only worthy of a 3-star rating? This sounds easy–you owe it to the readers to be honest. But, believe me, it’s harder than it sounds.

How I got over it: I honestly haven’t yet. The compromise I’ve come up with is this: If I liked or loved a book, I’ll rate it and (one day when I’m caught up) review it. I’ll be honest about what I liked and didn’t like.

If I hate a book I’m not finishing it, so that’s my out when it comes to 1- or 2-star reviews. It’s the 3-star reviews that still throw me. But if an author I know gave me a 3-star review and explained why (didn’t like the main character, plotting was slow), I can’t imagine holding it against her.

In fact, all I want are honest reviews and ratings. I’m not going to hound you for them—if you’ve read The Fourth Wall, I’m already very grateful for your time. 🙂 But if you would be willing to post a review, here’s a link, and hopefully this post explains a bit why they’re so important.

Remember, you don’t have to be a professional book critic to tell people why you liked, or loved, a book. You just have to be a reader with an opinion that you’re willing to share.

P.S. Why, no, the photo has NOTHING to do with the post. But isn’t it CUTE?!

Thanks, and an Invitation

Image from Flickr by jenosaur

Image from Flickr by jenosaur

It’s been a wild few weeks, and it’s about to get even crazier. So I just want to stop for a minute and say THANK YOU to all of you.

I mean it. You guys are amazing. You’ve showed support by visiting this blog, chatting with me on Facebook and even sharing my posts. Some of you have already RSVP’d to the launch party in July, and many of you have bought copies of The Fourth Wall.

My friend Jason in Cheyenne, Wyoming posted a Facebook selfie with the book after it arrived, which was so cool. The girl I shared a locker with in seventh grade was one of the first people to buy the book, read it, and share her thoughts. And last weekend a friend at work brought in her copy, which was the first copy purchased off the shelf from Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe. Yes, I peeked several times throughout the day to see which scene Melissa was on.

Your enthusiasm means a lot to me. So thank you.

In late July, I’ll be going on a blog tour, which means I’ll be visiting about a dozen blogs over the course of a month to talk about The Fourth Wall and participate in interviews and giveaways. I’ll also be showing up on a few other websites to discuss topics in the book, like lucid dreaming. The idea for the blog stops is to introduce the book to new readers and generate excitement.

I’m sensitive to the fact that author promotion can be overwhelming and redundant for friends and family, so I’m going to try and be very careful about how much and how often I share, especially on Facebook.

IF you absolutely don’t want to miss a thing, pop your email address into the subscription box below or to your right, or leave me a comment/let me know privately that you’d like to subscribe to email updates. I generally post to the blog only two or three times per month, and never more than once a week, so your inbox won’t get cluttered on my account. 🙂 And of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.

In the posts, you’ll get all the updates: links to interviews, photos, reviews, upcoming signings and author events, everything and anything related to the launch for The Fourth Wall. And I’ll keep you updated on my other projects too (short stories, essays, new novel) and occasionally host other authors, post my own book reviews, and just talk bookish/writerly stuff.

What do you say? Join me?

Release Day!


Today’s the day! The official release date for The Fourth Wall. THANK YOU for all of your support–so many people have come through for me, and I couldn’t have done it without you.

Here’s more information on the book and how to get a copy. 🙂

“The dream sequences in The Fourth Wall are skillfully told; some are beautiful, some are terrifying–all are intriguing.”
–Rebecca Lloyd, award-winning author of The View from Endless Street and other short story collections

Book Description

When Marin was little and monsters chased her through nightmares, she learned to weave her own dreams. Her mother called the lucid dreaming a gift, and when an accident takes her mother and leaves her baby brother an empty shell, Marin uses this gift to spin a new reality for herself. One without time or sorrow. A world without memory.

But just when Marin thinks she’s safe in her make-believe fantasy world, the monsters come back and her dream turns to a nightmare. Something in the dream doesn’t want Marin to wake up. In order to heal herself and her family, Marin must face the truth she’s forgotten and conquer what lies behind the fourth wall.

Release Date: June 10, 2014
Format: Paperback
Publisher: WiDo Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-937178-51-2
Price: $15.99

Copies will be available at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe on June 11!

Also, save the date: Changing Hands is hosting the LAUNCH PARTY on Tuesday, July 8. More information HERE.

If you want a signed copy of The Fourth Wall and you can’t attend the launch party, call Changing Hands Bookstore to pre-order a personalized copy: 480-730-0205

*The Fourth Wall may or may not be on the shelf at your local bookstore. If it’s not, you can request that it be ordered. The more demand for a book, the greater the chance a bookstore will stock it.

For Online Ordering:
Order from Changing Hands Bookstore
Order from Amazon
Order from Barnes & Noble
Buy on Kindle for $3.99

To enter the Goodreads giveaway, click HERE.

Finally, and once again, thank you. And happy reading!

Party Time!

Image from Flickr by foxypar4

Image from Flickr by foxypar4

It’s hard to believe, but the launch date for The Fourth Wall is less than a week away. I remember scribbling in a little spiral notepad the idea for this book nearly three years ago. I still have the notes, and it’s funny to look back at my original vision and see how much has changed. The only thing I seemed to know for sure was how it would end.

That’s the great part about writing fiction–you can choose your own endings. When it comes to publishing fiction, at least in the traditional sense, you can work hard to influence the ending but you don’t get to choose it. Ultimately it’s up to a publisher whether or not your book ends up on bookshelves, so when you get that kind of happy ending, you have to throw a party.

You’ll come help me celebrate, right? OF COURSE you’re invited. And I’m bringing cupcakes…

Tuesday, July 8 at 7 p.m.
Changing Hands Bookstore
6428 S McClintock Dr.
Tempe, Arizona

Reading, Signing, Cool Giveaways

And did I mention cupcakes?

Interview with Rebecca Lloyd, Author of The View from Endless Street

Author Rebecca Lloyd Photo by Tomlinson

Author Rebecca Lloyd
Photo by Tomlinson

I am so pleased to have author Rebecca Lloyd visit with me today on her blog tour. Rebecca and I share a publisher, WiDo Publishing, and I’m a little in awe after reading her short story collection The View from Endless Street: Short Stories from the South of England. It’s a wonderful book filled with gorgeous writing and quirky characters and…well, check out the blurb below. After that, read my interview with Rebecca and leave her a comment–she’ll be popping in from England and wants to hear from you!

About the Book:


With this collection of short stories set in the south of England and beyond, Rebecca Lloyd explores relationships and the brave or foolish things they can make people do. These stories about murder and ghosts, delusion and desperation, obsession and arson, show readers a sometimes sweet, sometimes macabre vision of humanity. Rebecca Lloyd channels Roald Dahl’s wit and flair for the unexpected in this collection that will appeal to the quirky side of the literary reader.

The View from Endless Street is available in print and in ebook format:
To order from WiDo Publishing, click here.
To order the Kindle version from Amazon, click here.
To order from Barnes and Noble, click here.

Don’t forget that if you own an e-reader, you can sample The View from Endless Street for free. The free sample allows you to read Rebecca Lloyd’s award-winning short story, The River, in its entirety. So you have nothing to lose by giving it a try, and I can almost guarantee you’ll want to read more. 😉

About the Author:

Rebecca Lloyd lives in the city of Bristol in the South West of England. She has two daughters and three grandsons. Apart from fiction writing, she works as a writing tutor and editor. She won the Bristol Short Story Prize in 2008 for a single story – The River, and in 2010 was a semi-finalist in both the Hudson Prize for a short story collection and the Dundee International Book Prize for a novel. In 2014, she was shortlisted in the first annual Paul Bowles Award in Short Fiction. She is the author of Halfling, (Walker Books 2011), and co-editor of the anthology Pangea, (Thames River Press 2012).

Rebecca is on Goodreads and Facebook.

Elizabeth: You write on your blog that it’s easy for writers to fall out of the habit of writing and that it can take “a huge effort to get back into it.” Can you tell us about your own writing habits?

Rebecca: Well, when I had to work for a living, I’d get up at around 5am, or sometimes earlier because I liked to watch the dawn, and I’d write until 8am and then do my day’s work. Now that I don’t work, my routine is a great deal less rigorous, I get up at around 7.30am and I’m at my desk by 8am. I work until lunchtime and then after that, the rest of the day can start. I try to stop writing when I sense my brain is getting tired, you know, like when you’re starting to write lame dialogue. If that happens I know it’s time to leave the computer, but I make a note alongside the text which would say something like ‘would she really have said those words under the circumstances?’ The next day, I can get back to it and deal with it.

I try not to open my emails or do any social networking stuff before I’ve done my morning’s writing. In the afternoon, I might still be very engrossed with the emerging story and so I carry a notebook with me wherever I’m going, as ideas might suddenly arise in my thinking, or structural issues might solve themselves in my head, and I would need to make a note about it.
I think the important thing is that I’ve trained myself over many years to put fiction writing first before all other matters, and I guess it must be because I write every morning that I’m thought of as a prolific writer. But as I live alone, I do have the freedom to make choices like that. I always say to student writers that they must fight for or negotiate for their writing time with partners and family, and stay strong about it.

Elizabeth: Which authors in particular inspired you?

Rebecca: I enjoy some writers and marvel at others, but authors don’t inspire my own work, rather the curious behaviour of my fellow humans inspires my work.

But of the writers I read and admire, Walter de la Mare comes right up at the top, but it’s true that he can become so obscure that it’s impossible to understand him sometimes, but otherwise he’s glorious. I’m very fond of Robert Aickman; he is a fine writer of the creepy stuff. And Jane Bowles is another favourite, she was the wife of Paul Bowles who is a better known writer than Jane. A.L Barker is a very exciting and peculiar writer as well. John McGahern is also a wonderful writer; I’d recommend his book Creatures of the Earth.

Elizabeth: Do you plow through your first drafts, and then go back to refine them? Or do you edit as you go along?

Rebecca: Yes, I tend to carry straight on with a story and not stop to improve it as I work, although I might leave myself messages, particularly if I have to research something, when doing the research right then and there would break the flow. Of course there are writers who perfect each sentence as they go along, but I would be afraid for them that they might lose the bigger picture, or the mood, or the tempo of the story by working like that. I think it’s more practical to try to get the story down from start to finish and then in as many other drafts as it takes, perfect it. I even write out what is going to happen in the story at the top of the page these days before I begin so I can look back and remind myself of the storyline again.

Elizabeth: You’ve published both novels and short fiction. Do you prefer one over the other?

Rebecca: I prefer writing short stories. I have written a few novels, one that does the rounds repeatedly but can’t find a publisher yet, and another, Halfling, which was published by Walker Books and is for nine to thirteen year olds. I confess to having other finished novels in ‘drawers,’ and they will probably never come out now. Short story seems to be my natural writing place, but it’s good to know how to do both, particularly if, like me, you teach writing because a lot of students want to write novels, so the tutor’s experience of novel writing is valuable.

Elizabeth: What are some unique challenges in writing short stories?

Rebecca: One of them might be developing the ability to leave out anything which has no immediate bearing on the story; sometimes it’s tempting to add small touches or moments that ultimately don’t add anything to the whole, but that skill of discernment eventually just comes instinctively. I suspect the same thing might not be essential in the writing of a novel in which there is space and room to put in quite a lot that’s not exactly to the point.

Another challenge might be, well, the simple fact of finding a story good enough to write in the first place. I always say that if you think you’ve found a good story, whatever its source, newspaper article, incident on the street, historical moment, personal experience of something, make sure you do capture it in words because there aren’t that many interesting stories to be had… but as I say that, I’ve got to concede that it might be that there are times in our lives as story writers when we are deeply attuned to what’s going on and we can see stories all around us, and then at other times the stories just don’t seem to present. It’s a state of mind, but it’s one that requires conscious nurturing.

Elizabeth: One thing that’s striking about your work is that you don’t draw attention to the strangeness of your characters’ situations. The surreal elements are subtly woven in, giving them much more power. Is it difficult to show restraint and resist the need to explain/describe everything?

Rebecca: I have to confess that I didn’t really know my writing was at all strange until this year with WiDo Publishing likening me to Roald Dahl and Tartarus Press, who only publish weird fiction, taking me on and publishing another story collection of mine called Mercy. And that’s a case in point, the story ‘Mercy’ was based on the real life of a man who was in love with a …corpse. As the story is told through his eyes, he wouldn’t find his situation in the least bit strange. His concern is keeping the corpse from falling apart. But that story is also a commentary on the relationship between men and women in the world, as well as being a love story in its own right. Then, the story that you mentioned earlier on – The Snow Room – I feel there isn’t anything that couldn’t have happened in real life in that story either, and the male character, Bernie, is based on a very nervous man who came to stay in my house in Africa for a couple of days, and who had a lot of Bernie’s behaviours. That’s a good example of how keeping a writer’s notebook is so very valuable, because I didn’t invent the Bernie character in The Snow Room until maybe a decade after I left Africa.

But you ask is it difficult to resist the need to explain? No, not in the slightest, all that is needed in order not to go down the road of explaining anything is that you have complete faith in your story and confidence in your writing, and crucially, belief in your readers’ intelligence. Beginner writers quite often do have to battle with exposition, and some understand it very quickly and others take a while to know when a paragraph or phrase is exposition. I always say that writers are just like actors, even if you’re writing in the third person. So if you were on stage ‘being’ a character, you wouldn’t have moments when you explained to the audience what you were doing. You’d expect them to do the work necessary in order to understand your character. Exactly the same with writing.

Elizabeth: You teach fiction writing–what’s the one thing you most want your students to take away from your class?

Rebecca: Only this, the determination to continue writing against all the odds if that’s what it takes. A writing course can set you up with some good writing practices and some useful tips, things that you might have taken a long time to find out by yourself. But after that, a writer must have passion, discipline and self-belief. I sometimes see moments on my students’ faces when they come to realise that writing is a real dedication that requires genuine commitment, when in the first couple of sessions they had supposed that learning to write fiction would be like learning to make jewellery. I sometimes see my ex-students in the street and I hesitate to ask the question ‘are you still writing?’ I don’t want them to say no, but fear they will.

Elizabeth: Coffee or tea?

Rebecca: Coffee, strong, black and scalding, I’m going to make it now.

Join Rebecca tomorrow for her next stop on the blog tour! And today she’s hanging around HERE to answer questions, so leave a comment and start a conversation. I assure you, she is lovely to talk to. 🙂

Prepared to Launch! Or Not

Image from Flickr by cameraslayer

Image from Flickr by cameraslayer

The month before a book release feels a lot like the final month of a pregnancy. Obviously not the physical aspects like swollen ankles and freakish ballooning belly, although there are the occasional moments of shortness of breath, triggered by the knowledge that something intimate and protected inside you will soon be exposed.

But it’s more the sense that you’re rushing toward a conclusion and a beginning, and that you’re ready for neither. You’re afraid and insecure and hopeful and exhilarated. You’re caught in a mess of daydreams—there are a hundred things left to do and you can’t focus on even one.

I remember the first time I walked into a Babies-R-Us, feeling incredibly alone. I stood in that enormous store, wielding a gray scanner, and wondered what on earth to choose. The girls throwing my baby shower told me to scan everything I needed; people love buying baby gifts, they said. But I didn’t know what I needed.

One mother told me a crib was absolutely necessary; another scoffed and said, “Sure, they make great laundry baskets.” One friend advised me to pick a changing table, but I’d read that babies have a tendency to roll off of those. (Now that I’ve been through it twice, I can tell you that the only piece of new furniture a mother needs is a good rocking chair.)

Trying to prepare for a book launch is just as confusing. Everyone who’s been through it has a different opinion. There are so many things you CAN do, but which ones are really necessary? Press releases, press kits, blog tours, radio interviews, launch parties, social media, book signings, blog posts, giveaways, speaking engagements, conferences, festivals, bookmarks, book charms, postcards, flyers—the list goes on.

It’s easy to become paralyzed by so many choices, and to think, “I’ve waited a long time for this day and I’m SO ready for it to be here but…WAIT, I’m not ready!”

Too bad. June is coming, and it’s going to be crazy, and it’s going to be great. And at least I got the bookmarks.

On Dreams

Image from Flickr by Marshmallow

Image from Flickr by Marshmallow

I received an email the other day from my managing editor, saying the final edit of The Fourth Wall was attached and could I fill in the dedication page and the acknowledgments page?

Sure, I could do that. (Are you kidding me?!)

But first I thought I’d check the book over. One last time, you know. Because two years maybe wasn’t enough time to edit it, because maybe there was something I missed.

I have never read through this novel without wanting to change something. Why is that? Some short stories I look back on and think, “If I had a chance to edit this again, I don’t think I’d change anything.” There aren’t many like that, but I can think of two. (Both are written from a male point-of-view. Sections of The Fourth Wall are also written from a male point-of-view, and those are my favorite scenes. I hope you’ll tell me yours.)

Perhaps a novel is just too big for a writer to see clearly. Whatever the case, it doesn’t matter, because it’s too late to make changes. The copy I have now is the one you’ll be reading in June. 😉

It’s hard to describe how vulnerable that makes me feel, although I suppose a good analogy would be that dream you used to have where you’re naked on the school playground. Remember that one?

Oh, but don’t feel sorry for me. I had the audacity to write a book and ask you to read it. I’m ready to submit to your judgment. So, speaking of dreams–I want to introduce you to a girl named Marin. She’s a lucid dreamer—someone who can create and control her own dreamworlds.

At least she thinks she can.

[click here to meet Marin]