Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Summer has a way of blurring days until time loses all meaning. In June especially I am happy to let the days slip by unaccounted for and unmarked on the calendar. That’s why, when I sat down this morning to blog and noted the date on the post, I did a double take. And then I broke into a smile.
June 10 was the day, eight years ago, when The Fourth Wall was officially published. Since then I’ve had the honor of appearing in other books as an essayist and short story-teller, and those books have kept my debut company on my bookshelf, but until now The Fourth Wall has been the lone novel.
That changes next month with the release of The House on Linden Way. It’s been a very different journey: Linden Way is self-published while The Fourth Wall was published traditionally, although since the latter was released through a small press I guess you could say I’ve been indie all along.
In a future post I’ll go into the differences, but for now I want to tell you what’s the same: the tremendous sense of accomplishment in seeing your creative vision through. Kudos to all of you out there doing this very thing.
Here’s the cover for Linden Way, designed by Kitten at Deranged Doctor Design. When I post again in July, it will be with a link to order. That is, if I don’t get lost in the hazy days of June.
Congratulations!!!!! I can’t wait to hold your book in my hands!!!!